Multimedia - Posters


El sitio está ubicado en el área de influencia del área protegida AMH/E El Jicarito, que a su vez forma parte del subsistema de áreas protegidas de la zona sur de Honduras (SAPZSURH).

Governance of Marine Resources through Integrated Fisheries Management

Governance of Marine Resources through Integrated Fisheries Management
D’Cuire, Emilio. 2017. “Governance of Marine Resources through Integrated Fisheries Management.” Scientific Poster presented at the 70th Annual Conference of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute (GCFI), Mérida, Mexico.

Catalysing Management of Marine Resources through a Fisher’s Electronic Registry and Licensyng System

Catalysing Management of Marine Resources through a Fisher’s Electronic Registry and Licensyng System
Alegría, Andrés Baltasar, and Stephen J Box. 2016. “Catalysing Management of Marine Resources through a Fisher’s Electronic Registry and Licensyng System.” presented at the 13th International Coral Reef Symposium (ICRS), Honululu, USA

Sostenibilidad financiera para las Zonas de Recuperación Pesquera.

Sostenibilidad financiera para las Zonas de Recuperación Pesquera.
Ochoa, Mariela. 2017. “Sostenibilidad financiera para las Zonas de Recuperación Pesquera.” Scientific Poster presented at the XXI Congreso de la Sociedad Mesoamericana para la Biología y la Conservación (SMBC), San José, Costa Rica.

Reducing the Susceptibility of Parrotfish to Fish Traps

Reducing the Susceptibility of Parrotfish to Fish Traps
Box, Stephen J, and Steven W J Canty. 2011. “Reducing the Susceptibility of Parrotfish to Fish Traps.” Scientific Poster presented at the 63rd Annual Conference of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute

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